August Update!

 August is the busiest month of the year for a campus ministry! Freshmen and new students are arriving on campus, which means it’s the perfect time to start scattering seeds. We’ll see where God gives the growth this year!

We started the month with our annual licensing ceremony. This is a time for our new staff to formally commit to the 10-month pastoral apprenticeship, and several of our other staff renewed their commitments to serve with FOCUS for the next few years. I always enjoy attending the licensing ceremony and celebrating the new and recommitting staff!

This year's ten apprentices took the stage to commit to working on our staff for the next ten months!

One of the most fun parts of August is our annual staff retreat. It’s a great way to kick off the year with worship, sessions led by our pastors, and plenty of free time!

This year we have a staff of 52!

My close friend and bridesmaid, Tania, is an apprentice at Collin College this year! I'm so proud of her!

Remember how I joined the SMU team? Check out this very high quality selfie we took at the end of staff retreat :)

As a campus admin with SMU FOCUS this year, I got to attend an on-campus training for ministers at SMU. It was neat to see just how many Christian ministries are seeking to impact the campus. Please pray that this year would bring revival to SMU’s campus and that students would encounter Christ as they never have before! 


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