Goodbye school year!

 One more year is in the books! I'm not sure I believe it's actually summer already, but I'm loving the sunny weather and pool days ☀️

The staff and students in our UTD ministry ended the year with a summer-themed party complete with a photobooth and inflatable palm trees! What more could we ask for?

This is what happens when you tell the staff to "take a silly one." πŸ˜›

It's not a FOCUS party without some worship πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Another fun thing about May is that it's my birthday month! Though my supervisor was out of town, he was thoughtful enough to send me some Tiff's Treats as a birthday gift :)

May is always a busy month for FOCUS because of the Student Institute of Campus Ministry (known as SICM)! This year, about half of our staff members took over 100 students from all our campuses to SICM, which is held in Bellingham, Washington. When I was a student in the ministry, SICM was a big highlight of my college experience! This conference prepares students to share the gospel on their campus, lead small groups, and so much more.

Once everyone returned from SICM, our staff got together for a movie day! That's right -- we spent the afternoon snacking on popcorn and candy while watching the movie Jesus Revolution. The movie was thought-provoking and led to some insightful discussions afterward. 

Our very own private theater!

After the movie viewing, we packed up and headed to our first Summer FOCUS fellowship meeting of 2023! This is a special time for our ministry because students from all our campuses come together for a worship service every Thursday night. It's not possible to get our campuses together this frequently during the school year, so the summers are extra fun! Our sermon series this summer is about what it means to repent and believe the good news of Jesus. Every sermon is uploaded to Spotify for those who want to listen!

Here's a glimpse of our first worship service of the summer!

Of course, the school year wouldn't be complete without (you guessed it) another party! Our entire staff had a party of our own at the end of the month. What's a party without Family Feud, karaoke, and one very large game of Fishbowl?

Don't be fooled by their smiles. Family Feud is harder than it looks.

The parties may be over for now, but the summer fun is only just beginning! Stay tuned for more updates, and please respond with any prayer requests or updates on life!


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