October Update!

Can you believe it’s November already? This time of year always flies by! The holidays will be here before we know it ✨

October brought all of our campus ministries to their annual fall retreats! Our SMU staff and about 25 students spent a weekend retreat to Athens, TX, where they got to spend quality time together and listen to some pastoral messages. 

The attendees of SMU Fall Retreat!

One of my closest friends and one of our Collin College apprentices had her birthday in October! The other apprentices and I surprised her with donuts and sang to her that morning. It was an honor to make Tania feel special ❤️

As I mentioned in my last update, it is almost time for our annual Keep FOCUS Growing fundraiser, which is happening on Giving Tuesday (November 28th)! Would you consider giving today or making a pledge to give later? Your gifts help support our mission to spread the Gospel across DFW college campuses!

Please let me know what is going on in your life and how I can be praying for you these days!



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